It’s so refreshing to read a piece I resonate with so transparently. In a world where overindulging has become the new norm, it’s nice to shed light on the struggles of unhealthy coping mechanisms. It encourages me to keep going on my sober journey. It affirms my decision as the best one I could’ve ever made for myself. I’ve just reached 9 months AF, I literally never thought I would see the day. I saw my past and present self all up & through this. I appreciate you for sharing

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Yassss, go boo! You're really out here stepping into your power and I love that for you! Thank you for reading!

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Thank you for allowing me to do so. Yassss, six days, that's huge, Elizabeth! Keep going, moment by moment.

I appreciate you for sharing this space with me. Sending whatever you need right back your way!

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Thank you for sharing. I am currently 6 days sober and your story has inspired me to keep going. Peace & Love to you. 💛

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